Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Etsy My New Passion

Leo in his sock monkey hat

I love working on Etsy. I have met so many talented home artists.  Daily I get to sift through image after image of amazing work. The variety astounds me.  Oddly enough I have found myself liking many styles that I never would have considered a month ago.  On closer inspection of these pieces I see the attention to detail, the hard work, the love that goes into each piece and get to 'meet' their makers....truly inspiring.  Here is one store I stumbled across and was so impressed with how much joy is put into these pieces of jewelry.  That is the best part of Etsy to me ...being able to be at home working in a craft you love, share it, sell it, and make friends. Ideal situation.  Take a look and if your new to Etsy take a longer look around.  Like a good book it is hard to stop once you start and unlike a good book there is no 'ending' you get to enjoy it over and over and more and more.
enjoy and take a look at this new friends work. I like the peace sign, but then I am an old hippy.

1 comment:

Shaylen Maxwell said...

Thanks for favouriting my item on Etsy! I love your creations & am following your blog. <3