Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Love Story

A Love Story 
My Great Grandparents Alice Elizabeth Furber and Charles Webster Colman.

Alice Elizabeth Furber
My maternal Great Grandmother as a young woman.

Charles Webster Colman
Aug. 1879

My Maternal Great Grandfather as a young man.

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A very sweet picture of the young couple. Posed and fun.

Oct. 12th 1929
Sweeter still in their older years. Standing tall and straight and obviously each has a twinkle in their eye.

Tremont St. Boston
July 19, 1939
On a stroll down Tremont Street Boston. Arm in arm. Grandma 80 years and Grandpa 83 years. 
My Mother's beloved Grandparents. 



The Inspired Trader said...

Lovely post and so wonderful that you have such excellent photos to share for generations to come.

Araignee said...

What a handsome couple! They were so lucky to have so much time together.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

How nice that you have these photos! They were a very stylish couple!

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone. I love having these old photographs. Just wish I had my Mom there are always so many more questions to ask her.

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone. I love having these old photographs. Just wish I had my Mom there are always so many more questions to ask her.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, so romantic!!! Very inspiring to anyone who has a true love. Your grandparents looked like the most wonderful couple. You & your mom were truly blessed. Sending you a hug!