Friday, May 2, 2014

Whole30 Yes

I can eat this way.
Okay so I over cooked it a bit.... It was yummy.
I have been MIA while I contemplated for a long time what it is I need to do with my life to make it better, less painful, more active and live (I hope) longer or at least healthier.
I read this book. It Starts With Food and found so many answers to decades of questions I have had about my relationship with food/eating. There are many blogs on the Whole30 and I have found inspiration in them.  My little blog is simply to speak up and say, "this is me... I need this.... I can do this... I have started this Whole 30."
Thanks go to friends Gail, Shelley, Kim, Anila, Nikki and  brother Chip, nieces Sarah and Kelly for showing me all along that it is the food you eat.
Today I am Whole30
my other reasons for needing to do this are here.

How could I not want to try.


Sarah said...

Yay for my beautiful, inspirational, warm, kind Awntie! I love you and thank God for your presence in my life.

Gail P said...

Yes, Ma'am!!! You are on the right path. Good for you!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

You go Girl!!

Araignee said...

I've always been a health nut when it comes to eating-especially since I said goodbye to Mr. Gall Bladder a few years ago but for the past few crazy weeks I've been living on junk food and I can tell you now, for sure, that the way you eat DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I need to get myself back on track asap.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Anne!!! Wishing you much health & happiness!!